Committed to Success

When approaching a music project, no matter whether it’s a rehearsal, a recording or a performance, an important fundamental aspect to success is commitment. Being truly committed to a project means setting a goal and following through with attaining it. Commitment lies deeper than musical skill, gratification, and ego. It’s about showing up prepared and ready to do the work using whatever means are at ones disposal. Creating a focus that is clearly defined in everyone’s mind will allow for free flowing ideas and positive contributions. Defined focus will also allow the group to achieve the small steps necessary in accomplishing the larger goal. Working in a room with people who are open-minded and committed is always far more productive.

On another level, a large part of the creative process is simply a communication of thoughts between those involved. Communicating thoughts on life, current issues, philosophy, or spirituality opens doors for a fertile creative environment. Then the musical ideas can be communicated. It’s about breaking down preconceived ideas and fears, either creatively or personally, and being collectively innovative. A significant aspect of the brilliance in some of our favorite albums lies within the cohesion of life paths. The musicians who make up these great bands are, for reasons positive and negative, at similar points in their lives. It’s their creative will and emotional fingerprints which attract listeners.

In so many instances bands or sessions fall apart due to small interpersonal differences. These tiny details can grow creating a divide between band members. Issues left alone for too long can distort ones focus and ultimately affect success. As soon as the personal interest in each other is lost the music will suffer. No two musical situations are ever the same, but developing a focus on a few key ideas can considerably increase your output and accomplishments. An open mind and dedicated heart will always overcome in any creative and collaborative situation.

Photo Credits

Photos  © Chris Finch

Chris Finch, 2009

© Synaptic Systems Inc., 2009

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