Advanced Music Theory Lesson 2: Scale Tendencies

Now that we have introduced all of the modes, let's look at what roles individual notes take in these scales. In a tonal context, they all have certain tendencies. Stable Tones: (1,3,5) Tonic: The tonic is the 1st degree of the scale. All other notes are based around the tonic and gravitate towards it. Dominant: The dominant is the 5th degree. This is a solid or stable note. Third degree: The 3rd degree is stable; however, it is not as stable as the tonic or the … [Read more...]

Advanced Music Theory Lesson 1: The Modes

As we discussed in previous lessons, the Major scale is also know as Ionian and the Minor scale as Aeolian. We also know that the relative minor is the major scale starting from it's 6th degree. The scales starting from all of the other degrees will now be introduced. This group of scales is known as "the modes". Lets start in the key of C. If we re-spell the C Major scale (Ionian) starting from each subsequent degree in the scale, we end up with the following: Mode … [Read more...]

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