Exercise and trust your ears!

Years ago, I jammed with an incredible pianist. Classically trained, he could play anything you put in front of him. Not only was he a great sight-reader, he would also put a lot of feeling into everything he played. His only problem was that without sheet music, he was lost. If we played a 12 bar blues, despite the fact that he had an exhaustive knowledge of scales, he had no idea how to improvise over it. It was very frustrating for him. In time, he learned to use and ‘trust’ his ears. This … [Read more...]

Improvisation Blues in A (Swing Feel)

This is standard blues progression with a jazzy feel to it that is great to solo over. Work with the A Minor Pentatonic scale over this progression. Try to play it in all 5 positions mentioned in the A Minor Pentatonic lesson. The chords for this progression can be found in the page of all the chords used at this site. For the Bb13, play the A13 chord block shown on that page but play it on the 6th fret. For the E9, play the D9 chord block shown on that … [Read more...]

Scales: G (Dorian) Minor

The Dorian Minor scale is commonly used in improvisation. This position ( personal opinion ) lends itself nicely to working up speed. Remember that these scales can be played anywhere on the neck. In the case of this scale, if you were to start the same shape (pattern) one fret higher (6th fret) it would become the Ab Dorian Minor scale. One fret lower and it becomes the Gb Dorian Minor scale. Also notice that this position DOES NOT start on the root of the scale, … [Read more...]

Scales: G (Jazz) Melodic Minor

More often called the Melodic Minor scale, this scale is commonly used in improvisation. This position ( personal opinion ) lends itself nicely to working up speed. Remember that these scales can be played anywhere on the neck. In the case of this scale, if you were to start the same shape (pattern) one fret higher (4th fret) it would become the Ab Melodic Minor scale. One fret lower and it becomes the Gb Melodic Minor scale. Also notice that this position DOES NOT … [Read more...]

Scales: G Major ( 2 positions )

Major scales are one of the most commonly used scales in improvisation. Shown below are 2 positions of the G Major scale. The second position allows for greater movement up the neck. Both positions lend themselves well to working up speed. Remember that these scales can be played anywhere on the neck. In the case of this scale, if you were to start the same shape (pattern) one fret higher (4th fret) it would become the Ab Major scale. One fret lower and it becomes … [Read more...]

Scales: A Minor Pentatonic ( 5 positions )

One of the most commonly used scales in improvisation is the Minor Pentatonic scale. Shown below are 5 positions of the A Minor Pentatonic scale. The second position shown is probably the most commonly used shape of this scale. While learning all five is highly recommended, start off by learning the adjacent positions (1 and 3) as this will offer you far more variety in your playing. Remember that these scales can be played anywhere on the neck. In the case of this … [Read more...]

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