Finger Picking Pattern 2: Landslide by Fleetwood Mac

Our second finger picking lesson is another example of pattern picking. “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac uses a similar picking pattern to “Dust in the Wind”. However, the chord changes here require more movement. For your convenience, the chord shapes and fingerings are as follows: Click here if you’re not sure how to read the chord blocks.                         For the picking pattern, you will use your thumb (P), index … [Read more...]

Advanced Music Theory Lesson 1: The Modes

As we discussed in previous lessons, the Major scale is also know as Ionian and the Minor scale as Aeolian. We also know that the relative minor is the major scale starting from it's 6th degree. The scales starting from all of the other degrees will now be introduced. This group of scales is known as "the modes". Lets start in the key of C. If we re-spell the C Major scale (Ionian) starting from each subsequent degree in the scale, we end up with the following: Mode … [Read more...]

Scales: Exercises 123 234 345

This exercise is aimed at improving your technique and offering you extended scale phrasings. The basic idea in this exercise is to play the first 3 notes in the scale, then, starting at the second note in the scale play 3 more, then, starting from the 3rd note in the scale play 3 more etc. If the scale was numbers, the pattern would be: 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 etc Remember that these exercises can be played anywhere on the neck using any scale. The … [Read more...]

Improvisation Blues in A (Swing Feel)

This is standard blues progression with a jazzy feel to it that is great to solo over. Work with the A Minor Pentatonic scale over this progression. Try to play it in all 5 positions mentioned in the A Minor Pentatonic lesson. The chords for this progression can be found in the page of all the chords used at this site. For the Bb13, play the A13 chord block shown on that page but play it on the 6th fret. For the E9, play the D9 chord block shown on that … [Read more...]

Improvisation: Am7 FMaj9 Progression with MP3

This is a slow and moody groove that is wonderful to solo over. Start of by working with the A Minor Pentatonic scale over this progression. Try to play it in the 3 positions mentioned in the A Minor Pentatonic lesson. Then work in these scales: (Over the Am7) A (Jazz) Melodic Minor .. Same pattern as the G (Jazz) Melodic Minor scale shown in lesson but played 2 frets higher. (Over the Am7) A (Dorian) Minor .. Same pattern as the G (Dorian) Minor scale shown in … [Read more...]

Scales: G (Dorian) Minor

The Dorian Minor scale is commonly used in improvisation. This position ( personal opinion ) lends itself nicely to working up speed. Remember that these scales can be played anywhere on the neck. In the case of this scale, if you were to start the same shape (pattern) one fret higher (6th fret) it would become the Ab Dorian Minor scale. One fret lower and it becomes the Gb Dorian Minor scale. Also notice that this position DOES NOT start on the root of the scale, … [Read more...]

Scales: G (Jazz) Melodic Minor

More often called the Melodic Minor scale, this scale is commonly used in improvisation. This position ( personal opinion ) lends itself nicely to working up speed. Remember that these scales can be played anywhere on the neck. In the case of this scale, if you were to start the same shape (pattern) one fret higher (4th fret) it would become the Ab Melodic Minor scale. One fret lower and it becomes the Gb Melodic Minor scale. Also notice that this position DOES NOT … [Read more...]

Scales: Looking for patterns and the A Minor Pentatonic Box Scale

If you took all the notes from all the 5 positions shown in the A Minor Pentatonic lesson and placed them into one block, this is what you would end up with. This is a great exercise to do with any of the scales we (or anybody else)  show you in multiple positions. By doing this, you can now see all of the notes of that scale across the neck. Often, when learning a new scale, I will do this. I sit with my guitar in front of this scale block and play the … [Read more...]

Scales: A Minor Pentatonic ( 5 positions )

One of the most commonly used scales in improvisation is the Minor Pentatonic scale. Shown below are 5 positions of the A Minor Pentatonic scale. The second position shown is probably the most commonly used shape of this scale. While learning all five is highly recommended, start off by learning the adjacent positions (1 and 3) as this will offer you far more variety in your playing. Remember that these scales can be played anywhere on the neck. In the case of this … [Read more...]

Chords with roots on the A string: C Major 7 and D Minor 7

C Major 7 and D Minor 7 are two very commonly used chords. Notice the ellipse around the 1st finger in the chord diagrams. It should be laying flat on the neck, as a bar, playing the notes not sounded by the other fingers. If you move the Dm7 chord down 2 frets (towards the tuning pegs) , it becomes a Cm7. Practice shifting from the CMaj7 shape to the Cm7 shape. Do this slowly remembering that clean tones are what you want to hear. Click on the diagrams for an MP3 audio … [Read more...]

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