Quick reference to all the chords at Synaptic Studios

This page is a quick reference to all the chords at this site.

Click here if you’re not sure how to read the chord blocks.

Basic Open Chords

Click on the diagrams for an MP3 audio example.

Chords with their roots on the E (6th) string

Click on the diagrams for an MP3 audio example.

E7 #9 .. the ( Purple Haze ) Hendix Chord

Chords with their roots on the A (5th) string
Click on the diagrams for an MP3 audio example.

© Synaptic Systems Inc., 2000


  1. Hi, and thanks for being such gifted artists, both in script and in music.

    You don’t need to include the following, but I thought others may also be experiencing the same slight inconvenience: When I click to an .mp3 QuickTime (the most recent by default) opens and begins playing what ever I’ve selected. Fine. But when I click on any controls to replay, loop, back up (DON’T BACK UP!), etc my clicks are in vain, being the non-vain person I am. Of course clicking back a page and relaunching the .mp3 file works, but others may not have the patience. Oh. And I’m very patient.

    Real musicians… who’d think?

    Larance Ingepold
    over Rocky Horror

    • Hello Larance!

      Thanks for taking the time to tell us! Which web browser are you using? I have tested it on a few and am not having the same issues you describe.
      Let me know and I will see what I can figure out!


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