A blank chord template you can use

Here is a blank chord block you can use to mark out chords you discover as you explore your instrument. Just download it on to your system and print it. If you prefer, you can download the MS Word document (version 2003)  which has several of these already neatly laid out on a page for you to use. Download the MS Word 2003 file here © Synaptic Systems Inc., 2001 … [Read more...]

Quick reference to all the chords at Synaptic Studios

This page is a quick reference to all the chords at this site. Click here if you’re not sure how to read the chord blocks. Basic Open Chords Click on the diagrams for an MP3 audio example. Chords with their roots on the E (6th) string Click on the diagrams for an MP3 audio example. E7 #9 .. the ( Purple Haze ) Hendix Chord Chords with their roots on the A (5th) string Click on the … [Read more...]

Chords with roots on the A string: C Major 7 and D Minor 7

C Major 7 and D Minor 7 are two very commonly used chords. Notice the ellipse around the 1st finger in the chord diagrams. It should be laying flat on the neck, as a bar, playing the notes not sounded by the other fingers. If you move the Dm7 chord down 2 frets (towards the tuning pegs) , it becomes a Cm7. Practice shifting from the CMaj7 shape to the Cm7 shape. Do this slowly remembering that clean tones are what you want to hear. Click on the diagrams for an MP3 audio … [Read more...]

Chords with roots on the E string: G Major 9 and G 6/9

Major 9 chords have a lovely open and spacious sound to them. The 6/9 chord is also spacious but has a more resolved feel to it. These shapes are very similar with only the 4th finger being the difference between them. They can both be a little tricky. Notice the ellipse around the 1st finger in the chord diagram. It should be laying flat on the neck playing those 2 notes as a bar. Practice shifting from the G Maj 7 shape to the G Maj 9 shape to the … [Read more...]

Chords with roots on the E string: G Major 7 and A Minor 7

Here are 2 very commonly used chord shapes. The Am7 shape can be a little tricky. Notice the ellipse around the 3rd finger in the chord diagram. It should be laying flat on the neck playing those 3 notes as a bar. If you move this chord down 2 frets (towards the tuning pegs) , it becomes a Gm7. Practice shifting from the GMaj7 shape to the Gm7 shape. Do this slowly remembering that clean tones are what you want to hear. Click on the … [Read more...]

Guitar Lessons: Learning the open chords, part 2

Like in part 1, in this lesson we will work on shifting between chords. These shifts are a little trickier but with some practice you will be playing these chords in no time at all. Click here if you're not sure how to read the chord blocks. Click on the diagrams for an MP3 audio example. 1) We'll start by playing the A Major,  A Major7 and A7 chords. Play the A Major chord. Strum it trying to have each string ring cleanly. Now remove your first … [Read more...]

Guitar Lessons: Learning the open chords, part 1

Learning the open chords need not be a difficult task. In fact, if you look at the similarities between some of these chords you will see that often only one finger needs to be moved to play a different chord. These lessons are designed to help you see these similarities and get you playing the open chords cleanly and help you to memorize them. Click here if you're not sure how to read the chord blocks. Click on the diagrams for an MP3 audio … [Read more...]

How to read the chord blocks

© Synaptic Systems Inc., 1999 … [Read more...]

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