Robben Ford: Burnable

Robben Ford is without a doubt one the most tasteful fusion guitarists. One of Robben’s strongest abilities is to creatively blend his blues foundation with jazz influence in a modern context. He has worked with a diverse range of major artists such as Joni Mitchell, George Harrison, and Miles Davis.

Beginning at a young age Robben had a keen interest in both blues and jazz. He began as a blues player and through the 1970’s he started a jazz fusion band called the Yellowjackets. He has also released several successful solo albums throughout his career. In 2002 Robben collaborated with bassist Jimmy Haslip and drummer Vinnie Colaiuta to form the experimental fusion band Jing Chi. Through his many projects Robben has been Grammy nominated four times.

This is a live video clip of Robben collaborating with guitar legend Larry Carlton. In the video Robben is on the right playing the Goldtop Les Paul. This is a great example of Robben’s harmonic and tonal approach. Listen for the influence of saxophone in his unique phrasing. Robben can play a blues phrase with feel, make it sound outside, and tastefully bring it back. He is a remarkable player with an unmistakable guitar sound.

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More on Robben Ford from Wikipedia


  1. How great is that!!

    Love it! Thanks Chris!!



  2. You’re most welcome! There’s some great playing in this one.


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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by steamroller rocks. steamroller rocks said: Robben Ford: Burnable | Synaptic Studios: This is a live video clip of Robben collaborating with guitar legend L.. […]

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