This is a slow and moody groove that is wonderful to solo over. Start of by working with the A Minor Pentatonic scale over this progression. Try to play it in the 3 positions mentioned in the A Minor Pentatonic lesson. Then work in these scales:
(Over the Am7)
A (Jazz) Melodic Minor .. Same pattern as the G (Jazz) Melodic Minor scale shown in lesson but played 2 frets higher.
(Over the Am7)
A (Dorian) Minor .. Same pattern as the G (Dorian) Minor scale shown in lesson but played 2 frets higher.
(Over both chords)
C Major .. Same patterns as the G Major scale shown in lesson but starting on the 8th fret.
Also, work in the harmonized G Major scale ( see that lesson ) over the Am7 chord and the same pattern moved up to the 7th fret becomes the C Major scale harmonized works great over the FMaj9 chord.
Click the progression to download the sound file you can solo over. It is 2.54MB. You wont be disappointed.
© Synaptic Systems Inc., 2001
thank`s a lot for this beautyful high quality soundfile and the lesson.
People like you keep me play and learn jazzguitar.
It is not too easy,- but it`s the pure crack.:)
Hi Wilfried,
Thank YOU for taking the time to make a comment :- )
Good luck with your playing!
All the best