This is standard blues progression with a jazzy feel to it that is great to solo over. Work with the A Minor Pentatonic scale over this progression. Try to play it in all 5 positions mentioned in the A Minor Pentatonic lesson.
The chords for this progression can be found in the page of all the chords used at this site.
For the Bb13, play the A13 chord block shown on that page but play it on the 6th fret.
For the E9, play the D9 chord block shown on that page but play it on the 7th fret.
For the F9, play the D9 chord block shown on that page but play it on the 8th fret.
Click the progression to download the sound file you can solo over. It is 3.8MB.
It is 4 minutes and 23 seconds long. You wont be disappointed.
A longer version is available here that is 8 minutes and 43 seconds long. It is 6.1MB.
Click here for an Improvisation example: 815 KB – 1 minute 9 seconds
Here is an example of some improvising I did over this progression. I stayed within the A Minor Pentatonic scale but I did throw in some accidentals. For now, think of accidentals as notes that are in between the notes in the scale as represented below in the diagram with red dots. As an exercise, experiment with all the positions of this scale shown in the A Minor Pentatonic lesson and find accidentals that work for you.
Click here if you’re not sure how to read the scale blocks.
Let your ears guide you, be creative, play, play, play, and above all else, have fun!
© Synaptic Systems Inc., 2001
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